- The People On The Street [2016/17]
- Packages [2012/13]
- Visitor Figures [2012/13]
- Mobility shops [2011/12]
- Paddington escalators [2009/10]
- Compost pictures [2008/9]
- Flowers for ________ [2004/8]
- Mother’s work [2006]
- Supermarket portraits [2005/6]
- Supermarket checkouts [2005]
- Building supplies [2004/5]
- Misc / not categorized
- Bookshelves [2004]
- Crisp box / confectionary display [2003]
- Ruth on the phone [1995-2004]
- Stairs [2002]
- Charity shops / Car-boot sales / Market stalls [2001/2]
- Washing-up 2000 [2000]
- Suburban garages [2001]
- Dad’s office [1997-99]
- Ruthbook [1992-2004]
- Route to the darkroom [1996]
- London tree photographs [1993]
- Whitewashed windows [1992]
- Teenage precinct shoppers [1990]
- Blind factory [1990]
- Ashtons [1987]